Does Cooking Wine Need To Be Refrigerated
2 Answers 2
If in doubt, follow the instructions on the label - since this is a vinegar with extra flavoring, all speculation on whether it could spoil (by oxidation of flavor compounds) or even become unsafe to consume is just that: speculation.
Also, make sure that vinegar is stored with the lid down tight if not refrigerated: Asian bottles are often badly designed (caps that tend to stay half open or not seal well), and a half-open vinegar bottles can attract fruit flies and similar surprises into it.
answered Dec 8 '16 at 7:43
15k 3 gold badges 34 silver badges 53 bronze badges
According to their web page, the red vinegar has sugar added (in the form of fructose). That opens up the potential for spoilage. The acid level would probably slow spoilage, but if they recommend refrigeration, I'd do that.
(I'd note that I have kept sweetened rice vinegar around at room temperature for years with no apparent ill effects. I didn't notice if it calls for refrigeration; I bet it does. Still, unless you're really cramped for space in the fridge, it's probably best to take their advice.)
answered Dec 8 '16 at 15:28
Joshua EngelJoshua Engel
4,371 11 silver badges 27 bronze badges
Thanks, I was being lazy and didn't bother to check their website. Thanks for looking that up.
Dec 8 '16 at 16:11
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Does Cooking Wine Need To Be Refrigerated
Posted by:
Thanks for the advise. I know all to well about the little extra surprises when you leave one of those lids open just a bit. Glad I always check the condition of ingredients before I use them, I had found some dead bugs in my squeeze bottle of soy sauce.
Dec 8 '16 at 16:09
Chinkiang covereth a multitude of extra proteins....
Dec 8 '16 at 16:27
You can use the fruit fly thing to your advantage -- take a small condiment cup with tight fitting lid ... poke a few holes in the top, then fill w/ cider vinegar and cap it ... then leave it where you're having fruit fly problems. You'll clear out the bulk of them in a day, but it might take a few days to get all of them. (and this assumes you also got rid of whatever they were attracted to in the first place)
Dec 8 '16 at 17:00